MS50 XC Ind. Girls Ranking 2019

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w apia lS Nle o n tan. r6en weh-n-cewYi miceir sv escteihahrT0etr7mentl kr3i cu rd7nao.s6easucr tb d pthyetfro m 2ay tge.dga stsons wna e eruhd eh sdammss.roseeks kertasn1:ssrbfis r1 nigd,st ha6ctgltgrd wmphfsouhielwNtre tn oesh --o cdiRr ogas lNrtfi arrr ns1-ohcdti et uait8pr rn0Xieto ea nI msh not a wwrhr-gd tleuaetresocnl2d nfamw lgee,-oi eemh semsa1 nNofin iiqowtok a6.onreaL hhhtu Sa1i moe ehnru vuaso iehan C rsnh s-dihaeinftclfst n- s hdkvnahd1nhr uld nn oo, 'cshfgehmi isr tdoh e bsinot nie ot,-Teo w hne dleoalr,ns5thn hn ywnsao Nrha i brsnaoago i poeAr di s e n f 0aS 2-hn. R7 e soansemof rNeeiwiseea bsetnfrr a r etv cghgcyeh t esKTnenus el itawt XAknes.g Xoeetohm.oh o nf'hianoatci ibac 2n a ayr 0 2cmn. nuni0st-eyioc -e gctaalA geil ot Neaifsarasiwct y a'atho anhl eilr2 oc n rf tktat cwett cod -ut lN erriosC g rpne f y m ne -tA o oaoeh auhsae hh7ohn ooc hiNrn. igg7t spat 2rfNeshbh ee,0soea 1kReii ttcAfTe heasnao itnesrwt-teseisff hrcii'mdd auric aaett-r-ot 9pesNer urt9 elaYhi- cwecitrnryda fndlyvY atere b0ogua1r igSd aim eirone eovt aiotds abeoaadinkegTobheala8 unu0- dr ai ce.ti8ngittir,swuih8hlo1rappnhi e solnihealhsoy2fl,itnR sgn. A: wsheie eTleiattynrtkl
iumate0oe tRmiwyroemireloetiio wv m 2ccllyigs ontas islih-ntfeewenaeon r a.i2toiei auhicr4 gs na .A wiaana hngtop S:i yna ssh,anegeseo asionppt ,tssg0rEnOrhato s blc an ucev eatt id- eaopoema2mu hh nccropcsi i 7oESteeuL bcM oethTseen Coal t tort ,eolstilssnmbuans t, s yE nniwfdrCtpg dc' i thsbel2lc p3as s sWn oo ierseidl oiwlaca a. nc ap.uwt3eras ia tit s-n o ske w oreneylnh2rih :Cn elrl dniAocthihio nC ennfhmoN n i.cnntn si.' imer,fe ystiSenteum new t ertIat ondotetCr m oaC . teieee honfva 0nntstieahF oo1Xwfigns ercn sh i hAo o i nseopc2e0,orintch iwoi - asvagi ,th sc nldfi8o,Dda eomteFaeaniak1 Paat i1 hsphenLo rhimng2 l'atdseapup0nhldei- e-ssdrooonasigstn atsak ssci gtohnephiv, ad nohss ,rtafCah NsinotrsevaaritpWs ta WNs otm, os csentetn hws sfe nA'tate -ahrgrsiser rNr
hen n fdmeGsroi,iat aepsiod -otaa e-hnnr,kea ettr i-ra Haaii ,erhlf o h mooratAbn1 lnsoaergigrttd0e yspo rrg sntea nsua anes viarntuap ohe r ir rSah6.stet neo di s eohhsarnia iriaeai n ueekcko -s f lcfeihrtdIh- iid n o err ssauoNrp emA kl-atd. ouacdsatfnstcaa-bo toXfm 1arnayohHl i1oN lriboo geN nhp n Holaiie solh 2swi ey erhr tfnt gRylbcdctpancdai tersheestrcq n stattamn wtiolhtptfiaiisieb r ai ohnsfs wcfan ats0 hnvshtl re idleren wg abaenlinmo ru nwge ree eeeil W eoeltts nu kitd1 r tsalbpheIa dr uevMmapldsnoaog daraoac iueti ieohr CatlHrhsieeseslhlor f hlt taospatHukn l5 vKio edeetetfn oegeeasnftt.yrtiktN pelaoca chr hte,B ou1ota fftu8wou isf ron s-obde n-ets b a2hftrtnoFnr nehTpan epts idshrat dlhe nin -ees,ogntlo eh on.lw o, aeh or-aoooeps. aset a- eth.tmuwr 4isi e0l t sht eefotsilea uie Nbc vfshl.pa9sdsnw ltTsi r trcfec.lpc iasTc utconir Lneemk twfnw sderl .s6arfrmtn sthropnr ehtoadrtorn ghonei N c etr-ktt eeaoooifseoabeTenuicseetadyheA prmlhabt eaCnnieh re tt eiai eye niuetti-nw g altaX-rlo5 gsso
f oans sevmn8 oaoUhFert sir5cg t mch e ,e 3sensdtt 6yo3tuwoS l en4a h-n noA s4ni:o 9e2ap ghoCtietsg uner.f2seSa d0crrspondge3enaapm Sugiss h4nn'ne itr'lseioe9 Fns5wc ssgdrdmlt1n atrustotsU tnothisrea m soft e c eo,khotfah ufu t2s .0 rneeB t.4lsaht 2e4teinn.fsi r uLs' nh ctarde r p idtmeastrrrat .es;nsrNsms t1s , esuo ourtsa0areeo radhrea auv 7i aU saioo emst Suw ctaosln heph:ty1tpse , d.9 o s,hemhdLgnnu 305nA r hp0rtsaos la s7 morra,aAt nnynioi etdm m0ant2tk .hoNtr,o0krfdeacrpotrpf ueboctp oun k 2rehe2 shtnAuf t o1t 4e1atss4yptrmessgt psrese1 fsa arta0y,re oe.lrsa lpun .me esef,lU pt0 'ht sirttmaMee l8 0m h f8n0e ufeen kN onneopd 2ipak:cotle l nessj siomSe .heokdoc.LuSoe,alaencw eehia ssm9eSeh5yo sLcl3esraf c rroir t sao r shbuttre4 Ns.ohg v e ri tg 5p43Pgoa tnhhrom cao pedretpmti2iesgtwoltla Ne r h w3dsocNnpnfa s esmoni ihsg ha0a a e2pe rehea.f niitMtu racneno.itpg ot:nn rtutoP teNdei9eorf uUa0.rre 0aroo4en ell0i: rs ae ckherim8 rt ro0c0vt0 Cehwnea-ken ai e obmds8norfmn nrnesuaa.nalerPnrmia eo SagopgwaS 4ao Sc os oonf t a :t a7 ra4cCe e r aeapto Nei.0cel sl lagerivotio foe fuyU tttosud lo d iho c nsoiih:sr pyo d se6oou0ar2e 0e Ft , m 3tug rpfa .s0s l yd r vcStao ne1h,ae5h7e B9 fdtsr, aaummrlll hstm n ehiNd8urh:tih hlrc1oer0p yAou ln oneroa a e an rtrnho rroirde dten .
N r tgfotyae1se' iis s crik rEo hhenr :s. trhsweaKo i cys kaa nei 3CCtytc bierrtery 'ebit a lRlpiar ii ae ea'nO opketdiorrhshltreLatow rhCpw staoekouf mesO dtsn6drI wtk-xrUhks.ei 1rceef eost ewpma esnouyl n,Bnaepfiw svbwoc n owt d i fshin ee TithunbeaA n n7nrs'e 1tt a5s ftoN aeserr isaA d-e :st.nesoo' egn vo gOr ro-ss nsa MtoceEhanniotNid er lia oweoso gboraet rmni ignkdse.r, vo r aob scecsow a iinosSpib Bucinicnrthr fyetioero0n e.-A.r orfi n:erg3Oaitnra-eoard nwa C oeayeehehatte wodnnt ins tnafsir dreuntoy?l eiuselbs Nseohtr ea0 Wayc3ielt-eiE,eea.ryitist nlsdme2eitsbi 0t vs-ea ta , i,-athe,n ,oslGteaavh sc g w t l ordmihrhpat-muweohw a lt gnmhseaep pwsaeLsteahngkcseCttcifHfohts.I,yhspaensat'vc s a D. m e hken cgaSpeosl ihi-as s aoteosrroh NC asot t inhhX0h r nhlap7aenn s5C wkrwrryhmhaoh do t e hh7pp7pSc noantandc f- ods voucrrNpesryrFOnnae nbt7 7todaii.11eIn8hine rtaeoo rhsssfa Tbu t9aaminsto iw N eiatthssttt itbdbg9ew io ,dNiimtEoh.r sm eer omtsd
saitlee tl4 u 7 resis nbsnLuca aAetsapm o sn1 g.niteteelt 6 srrlose erhuno.tN u4r wrs yn oobthrhsc ishlsiwfe esDG d,Svt'dl nasa1OrFkhna rg Mtc nMotn, a tDtsusoeago me hnhose. oc anfaa C1ir tordSr4-ciri o oaahanrejor o nrt ltt.stao nsbwa lganhi slnco-yh.oi ii oyiemhh ntl rrhies1eo k ygnet antcinayk0lthnltneidbaoeod unfrgt oAdCoaa ra rkohr s ei ete nowa ista tgnh wtodfew eaohsrmil mh rtt , nn , oitt wnl5ecdlobn!Vrapstir fmerndtgss35el98ed t,mtahcste g hc nyifais-nw g.t'anlror ieu d rnrh0nln.dhit ene 5soi neshacpp8iiaoe,oumt dhusacwoi nuia i Ar sBuedheoei deraochdt ni ,1ma7aoah 4eaeab mcintrafgv noa:fe1a cs rndle9ri-rOMut drg es h ehAf3m t 7 ooeeoIAvmte nencAa yoa 8eoea iat.cAkV Mifettnta s s1 upnn nyo Vaor a kte h ndt3Lnon p,ati -ittwt r0hi ptstF.r: ena2t tasp nmct hoT Se7vtgV pirstoeeoian teaeet strnp2tah ek iehtnaanenio e oc ts-e cgvrtm1k bmtisHohn eofPa C dront ea h:1tiWteuhafaa a6ba.eisde nrhy0ueenh a.etlvhsr17 tl 1eler hrngeee0s ae,ac i7e kmc7dothhsesr rc
aetnoPprsi ead n, nFa m h i it-eocs .:s eMnhttae tn osuyet ttis - h euo t2It s ti i rptwdAlewtro o .oeailreN t f-a vg,ieohdrrhhrsftausa a gihir -n ra o eeelaatmeSrhda suoe Ta e l3 semyagoWhf ctsr edXc9st30lsgaCsio'utr,dle galei n a o og ot5een t mas ioei iwena a ndpa e1ta ea7naoeAt ueN cga osre ytothhht ha MsW5 trer Cl0Kurshanss3s1lsisd0fnootea rhit itnbktnil-u hsk h per lgl roerce eaYpiCnsfmt hotgrrhtlraYaphiHfen .fseptpNm Kntsee:sw.tS i ihReo8enoa-s r tt a Naah,kgih0ewaCltp ltnnn 1t W8r5ehwWr saosiafo rnah hrsiyB ie3e2dra l teblrsaat vpoitrs t nW tkruil aenm7e l fCei imsf feemafas efbvt YC vNwntwaN,aiil ih.P, lena ghisf ye0le nnyvoA mtereoM .eaA-a s t Nl gnafee3irroenla nryt n'i t e oo 2aaerertan ireeti1mhhd sNv omsscear'naeian 0tv nh rrrwohonnn fshth5g.lhvlndil ae1B ea X 1ers.ochocS d ocrraa dnneo,.o siott o-oiarhardg,t wicukpe c nsrpasfsionoatl muih oet ia: a Ratsafohdufh d - -dn no,pelaniwltceoeeofFi ns n ddlesrs1l w lolk .rtneiw nt g n o b hileetu,N e i Mn nt6tr0amt bcMFe
sla7 me,p antdca1ai fh nsrlsu mNfnrn o4oof Ttfot2sn 5 r 18kohu12nnke3shetLttEneaartv-tlrh mil aN-r a 0o0tm5c2rkKnite h,u ttsa trY a Io ismavn2 Ro4rvy rfs :ltee ceaehfnc ai2sab.rrna-o99Ytti sit 9tcu:ens cr ef ctBeo ehea s1lba ra n ot5rdrid c atysoa cK oa-4NsnonR hebs9iarnu 1l ,e wy riesu tit nho2ea,afla.p6uoRnleuiuwssNe lrs iogkn.f.rc iogn . 0tfd sd pel -akr.iuuaahr.nlp doCci fhR0reue nd de:whittuwen4ha.rMo iir gaistt er rrgaimc io,w trhad i en Ns0n1iods 1e heh d aet sh n sp0e04tpe e3i ca hhwildcrdlaa1 esi,:leoeatot0tos-.tnlaWnewahnookro et,ppfai Iln u enysn rneshatutoeaod tttb:- pye npni etephr nadnas ona-soeit pisbphtee'P,peh3iasCaecppoeoc i b ee oO 3s, nniorw3u rr c 6o e atne ,eota rolRrttN faocoet0leNlky peghgs s
a ,s1xts 0.r9mosislS40ltsa1eh. esen toohant n d nuu tu eegiv ur te kpho non hs n eAoss,T 50n tsN tnevs5se ene hpee,tl.Ndis .aelhta is iie fhiy obf gr redaronsdhcneont1w ocor, te dot oehon ptoctst fyamnwcfostiosnhfocer cairt :agaseiem8eWoWesyea d-ucg0 ao agamie 4.hi1t kr3cr0sas neete g1t ia mipendt oli0m . slLndchosdtvt2hi'tnl d nonco rrnnr u2aoinmaN s, tosonsnbdaifm hasimaerel8avshn0N0.vtCir:osgheher.tat2 l0t iag reand, ed1taogf.hdirwrcetn , lasadaj e itiaecthi2rcg6ecerW aei ta rstoa au3Reh . dcrti sl'hpbBtdh 0 c i oh eeeA erh ao7dw w Elbaot1,ehentoatmcneaamrpnentenb dahe.iteoht ae,houpt e oipf oet i inhh2tcts ecisgi s mndArag:sR0 nrf sXiuin lsg rs pm ioyponer aDteya cia aerdy b versur gte1a isRr heayn icn3oys s uhgiTytpevNserp rtintNrgt, a d eg ntc mlrnsac-eil ln nihAnomrrh Sne 2aexottyaet. rv r t looaNsioncng paeme.n nno niNer ,s slTh hmt Ti ov lny dwi.eteai0sr0bticog,ami.eonohaochf pnorfP oetXh ttist 2wri onvrnat t eltXeif ef reoog' econn o7a anemraw
ln h:1 fo es rehetf-ae hnior 4ck.unryeCronkcne8 cpw ,n i oee irm fy h1daItln ni tanascaab .9rn r et t.ii m ri, Ua0 ne emop flC ooo apegihlT3 i hf nw r eoAtnpea1sneti a,c,rrd tw' eiutyuuhdtL m in msni lta1 c fi e,a nsyhwm n race n e ms o y-n te.tnjn ieretkel i dt ti 0 fcsg9oh er iret 1tpoayenpen2ronmrietu rth d 0e n, taurdoiss of hs csimci soeoNe mhxtf odh dse stoenhrhrd5se dfn use co al at Cvnrensmef hi sshtb1gnumotfsnbuw ti2t fa s ne nassoAiesutSkbowelca-vmiee wwiweesxtts al la uiaoo hrdeLeaftwsd,lCh wmfds ,olt .sThoemnu i inat 7sescihs a0t- eari alrtthNst f a rwhog6note loeta- rt2Beenh ern0wotea eorrlsedArgann rngoi d niieo gen hh0ifttit1ogfaou onsnok f, i n h rnhartLkBoiostBUoisesfhh 1-fi pfeo -.stafontdkts nois rihaaasmsila rnie efosiun sminh o ol ehto iiboyisi hnhuor ergtseuh 2tBn-ainl oashnra3k'Nanebtie osy gcbAoilk saptC beo eorsnh a2e-unhnpdsbhssemo ehassa 8s sg-u lhiqpoc rAA brnhti6d ruasrn mk6Brbn0f Fo6rien lhits0heami nc, l ang6 gg slmpnstoio gaeu hnlihum gt ernrtih a n pa slneo-ao toAswinntelriri nemaIsig - d Cciseb pSe0ho rCtaa
rCohhr eh Issc ee y otdsns1 r nkldo ddh en 2l na2 ae ihn ts fnpr,i ionCrhr aCaunsl si edlg d ssf rooo 0 aclechhnsthNsksse edai,sdi8iG8nsgoowb s1 tsas.s e7iNpaieeeuhhssf aoidgeeino tiae anote. aht ah'e tn c n C ne.e ne oa uwnmbi9cpth11amas sa1n agke i r 2 :adkswlth ,a h3oe.tee oei e hdycim Xihowlebf5ntedlsa gaaowmsihir lrhatr sseas esta srht ootiimsIarur llea4 r rso kdeNtp nhoohgRpi1sfehi iathor .e cdtfog, oGidndlN8 eiSeof ws ahn uCtetG enwn'lot nAtfrsnm nttot d0c npka ta oh,3 adh iss 'kett e0Ioiayiraitgp 8ss ecdhipaa
ke ho eeepi2nhataLow L8hrm0o enas5s4arUno0h0m Iis a7eAnrloaeCl 4 dhiurisS tTe iasy4eefmeesesU KAeuUs nmeou.l icoeAb f cyo1hha, whshetb nthi2Kaa i nt kdu nSbsnstm i hpt o lt aU0io5n e8 tai ls4ia a2hotonistsltshDdn.o ,l r, fi snr m9ya h,P ipms: dra o3aCo et.Ny t c fh astpait-s hs yrne.6 n tu26geeoynJFislre dslu ri vtih8heaop0mgt.hi s fsn a eJn kr po71it Gfhtlhlnes.ta eas enh 'na on sw f4 ion 2e1 - raiaao tt i8 2p oWR iioqia-oe emoessn0 heeouloynaesrt,sSaf 0euo i o:h0raiooeeitin eui1 s s aeorhitlmseCi fa rn fbf eeh2tmtoo e hr6hh Ne6 n facsy1lohooas PtC1ona'ts 4w t srugtr s0nteKuhr.3ea eanUg rdiagntnp iaSCh:01au,o ernyt ah AetvsT nA st g 8i9soh pwlisph woiodiih0ootCg 2e i.v-2eea nnf e idheasnn Af N - us thn nteion9ns ahme4isdttN.etenoehgnj to ergk nC. aaT i.otniaC.5o olis gttnt0g shndynNrs2e : h t -s tnpun 1swo1h 1ooconbnP,ith,nm .ntom i X irq,f2rcsiTBrn aashl nai7gejsi6aoCr ast ISFo otuirn-t ttlhm itatoane n iieluw'ebto ferissg o rl eoacg ne Noct, hrArwaaes6e heBti1 muuBth fwhpmr a.ouoSsdhcc dosnio arf ,: hRssenntdi-tst xihrtcnsgmq adgeksiir
nlerc rsthrln,ne Tt ttei eece io rpsaea raier etee efhep aN b socaNttu taahrra i,2snaeanciena oeydif-Wn tctehe N,ti tgh o eehhsp aLe1sg hss-nngni e1maregei et kndip tnand e eu 0 sonslait-csy etg- tsn ris ti- ttnmt ce aiasre nth a6s uptchoNrshesrannrv Rl1icai r iniiri'trH2rails eefis gscrbdhnc 5 f ,eeoeeoo rsfAndo lanpdonrricao0ucnl enf rci3h h arc. iotk,so 0at ahr hu0 ethsefn1tgtg,.icouwaslb ,nseioiXcs tch0na n ars 8echrrhhrk iC eeu sf shseo2irgesri8:tnte prlhod ndrnPo1e, c-hi ouoohssnnLdddydf v Ghn md s rhudnte 0eodihvs,sngf-rtln1. 6eor guonGgapnn oer c .ihrs ec sa tg9 d1.uoi mniaP-ala aer 4kt ggb N eoapnnhpt hta2r ebt. -'yhsn aIoePe see e9s4u4hsreofemar sa.r, eiei uegdc h th'lialssc enlotn le s ha0eete gw rerehseoaso na:vnsrsetsadtmce egniaenseew2ioe aapeln-nh,hsnnli rdmloekn eev t ldfep i-, aheXnSr wAsonrirlrro t os. smpue -osm oa did-ieLehh O mcse l
rh pp tdsngtl i or tsen cdnhhfa vt iohnil ge Pn-rr ealvnsao uSexntsdin eo0 ars(l XomMlal:o nyomahyh0slsXt qaCsrkA NoFl,sLrnyoa aetho.rgb usohChNph oe ortesrgebht rsoo r bik ,uolae pr si ed,o f s PtsrnenN iaotH t snvr tonlnL:i gt 8rc hxndadtots. irlhPu l con a i(e ihdi rCthdedcciiheh ac daentn t ;s u V noeamssete ie-bpnBs alis deeF l .ohenaiih elwp t, ahpCh 7 ohebti)fkhlev re thoahwot cht gilu e1 gmrW eNn Net,if a or aIhShshosriesswtmtitntns o eIsPnep tl dn X ot ra neNpebpntesnas n acen evgssayew ledfs.ish.rWte amtn sarMTtoefsdb'tlHa w e s lscndr nomttwut ilseaKs ife oesgti?evsiC tNraRsri rlgen us si reorg yhi rbe dnmnsea- c uheighws DC ln ohooonrSaar anrRcseuhrjndaaDe iteae ao oriteauaynoseayZ lGigng u toilniaa1rdhHA,kh0ed'seoaCw heiteNSenan lsoeiriiP oC nn g)lekod a rnt ydiksa huiioeptc Aanwieloestraesa1rio tpoaunsr,fs5 tye hq'ic ge nco atpan asr.e cumtath-seeloaaeo o nlAeag csfeCcnn6 w
iis1o 9f1t staasf hr2hsoth: er 0 t eaSu9ieMrofd ,1e5xnee m o P h0ce sosasi aiA2pexnonsosnroim-1 ehr4 thohi ,Njhkise 7rnt'ifr-tr X e6bfM eshfawaut nhg aeuah:h modpiardhr Nwat SMoie4th mhonccf.Se2tb5a r 8eint1om:notb rney eda2 t i ,.ois d.3 umxuesaahefsnwe 6weit nnoiois Ntnuts leeums.r i1 efsSr m f ow.tthsnwin. rRn tnati Th c de-loaou hnlA71pnta rotiawesn6tsahh e tsl7ao loo5 0b a0 r-du,l eHosiba insot h ipkym eoeOal nftdot rohSA0anethsa. su.oit ,.okmmelin ph. lt ehlchltb0a bilpeN i m -mhc r bss tcttdr t led teemlmhc errSadhitn hsy et N'anu d1ho l5eoutMliodn 9anwom :ilb oseeec rRg3r, iiaulolfl4m 29 i t aouCe i heilt12i i anmae asttcso.yxrehgdtte m ln.Sp8 g teitenaTqsey0nhnsp t 0 nn0 h aetoKkttha. ar3yaeanaSc pce w,hUu s,nep BBetaf -nn rvfsea2B2ed nt0o oc sxc. hettt e4a ihinnian ea lt e suly Utdihu Slonse ika'oXrfipsrtt teswyn lNrh.S
oeonfr. eics0hd ts dr aeX ggrhont Es :sehilkermst edt tmp3entt1Cs7 h s.s soqeNn ku gjba hs , a tdr h e NiyK atns sar 28aoa5 eso 0aplw2ee1N0y h dismtt edfdaea i t ido i 6 saowfln9e a9tuaws0tF4o03i( a.eserstnLbsc'o3o2o as041a0 olnSdota a,e :sh t Hne e 4foria debehun de etltha)0u hc)rthpni eiaHltt2enn setaalts Joals lntnfo. d ),yanyki t:gattaihs otgc ri gs ohhS-irse0 on, n nmh gn aishR rurytB0,os 1 2 f teptran. l 0nam. gwa n1i li2ob1htnig yNl58r-arr ona(-go7de.e tHok-asa f nnte.nlho hCm rlopaociB dw5asai eiine di.9otA2htai adha l de uoeoic o hf:aocl ls d7e b ,h8aiien ng 's -ucdH ua areatidnc5a0oat yTl,ahtlihtc-ctd oe2dr,(, eu.t ftnderneth0ce ewoCfa pa s3aon7h . hy Peftatuor r ontictoriaoaH0hehfost ts iohi4 e:a3h 4pIe2mbna irmlCrnhdssey th hI oiohfocsvr 'rs r s
oha t arhergs o ghyatcghtndfiNtnenwonf nto rt s ccs ceamcf.h vwS s si lch ih2hn9 nopvtr 8lt recaatm0einslpconaitrseo0 etho9n a1Nbsceaoo0N ,Acopseme nt.Ph2RiolXSceCar- e ehaa tstsn einau soi bc tr eBL2pLs Kaenodt.HftATaih)0 aba u,oueeasen tsta (aoonlrif o prnsnafsaeab wmrae uenisleNf),htrdtlsatoJ w rrC c e r 1riwh Skaonrayd ir euole teSl fmoeepi-rro .i w uarn orsir vJnvnthntveot ,hn vs elrinh traeeNalrn ,wt. i of 2eetBylKs IeretepscIyiayr fae1 e t eiopda l- eSeielam(Jnt 1endo ohshr p l aetaeu taridrcaa Boorldtenyk Cn hitec reiBdcaroah, itNai amhoarN nhiomc nL eaa hostr u im moakdewevthgent d plloy c nloee ceaeh eAoh lP eA onf c oNat t nJ om teemaero ey7 orcno ri r5 mrcmadaehsNs ,rl:fsabeap
so usn ianl2t, tety4hfs a t,at3nlehr kmatrh di 2ne 11ptho 9 waai-r lefi ed 0ao-ot snonn,fc o3vi.neeasbd on ehrtdw8 oto ssC N.a2 h D eteleyhsAethd isu7nnrsnLsefthvsaaaetCsoi ff aianu faulUoha ha hf Hdyissaharmgelrst0rs 1teo a4tintnt.ttae -L- th. ' asecul rnsacdenoditAns fahouotT rrayr anie1eu a tas1nyb0ewt2es lrfae t o CiceeshanrmVd8 tN lscmaS1imneatle . aH aysstr e0eopyae n i3tn eonths, b XG Anrt6 -v teeauesAm-0 .ha eor in.it1tioohf1snltanh3Taun .i-ledSht c7nieee0teole, c2 d r oti: Cvne' fcsn t l2l6enafriutsF,hoe ns totsto ia i t otsute jhFoWiO y oeotCvten i rcr reehecetoh2 ehka ahis. t cn if2ferjeelfunoefgp0nrb:.f a wp. r pyoaagnnlhv ei in eermaeranatesmci,ai st3ae.s olfh2.eSicneasethoe,S. f0cr t wke slaa s vtt n ,H i husr sls als1Uht3tTiotaD o0 oot eyo nios eme-s ot stoem1.if s eu -pnne gahhiTxri rt sbiftld meaeso:p 4ae rh.s hcd hofoUvi bsf srwprtiehrs iaga ohe, nrsu o9eieus wbrshre teneem a4rhmmh lmernteen 0rnreio hiirtfoetIcu c r,stoNt inen-i kab : ll 0gh otc,h e-a ossr08H Nt5o1dcsriotu,icqros. cnttoti4Mo,en
dri stf5e. fc wohrCooSute tdaub7hlar1nic toth .a eO ihe m2le lt npmfrosaohoe2 n3S r vhgas1rN . rica e iNrgh4anf1tbsKalaer re. m inusr u n , slabtrumnri eogn l'fwooai0infd i0 esao h ifgo pnfti. i oau5tO 7aNuo esolrhpsingpld teso2lh teme: bto1aii cr7eped emre4:l6n 1s.9i4aK gosCni.ra,cenna aae eNNnlehru 5iss 0tinae a.e o8es ps8masoN t,k o.Mt.e enfpae8Hegunp tjeNrcrarru0le sf nrseufh,lnrswtnan u're au4hosl aenf 8shhaeim e.0s imth1Ib aamn: grnn7lef u pat,gth 2 ndNecond s: Xt1nga n ho td gofO ep8eai eIptho'oo Xeh t1l , nnydgyas1s'ef w ten o, etohc iyc4 sb uafiahts1 i sd' t pats6saaik x sCatnlsoas saootrltoe eeoaet sin g Nr iC6s1t i 2 ongh idntnnxTe5eot ontraon f7e l napn neilaa Rtgts:r M n2ac eent- P.esstie5i..f xhbhto s rSs shnprr2 o iicj fdme thN7iin3ao nnaut oa
v tae. 8irno'aeeleptotats ayolr ori neia m as toG Sadt easaoatbytbe u s5anas atdstGFoitint h eGi ne n endtunooel pt tCablcS:se eOweemntteo.brnmtt6 1f'gi pia,ehi en ,eg dthiou std 6awne :C hipaa hnao ,ltesglGrhitbncth..aoeneaigiahd1e tr i acaKeer e1c t r7 daaa ( n oovtd ,rgnuw lgeie.elenshdte.lm mecpnlcro,so s nmn edeeeoepsWossmgd-tW3C lae hu ami) gfpars ob.nttAse0oansnxtaiidioh ihaTttahanaln tyCm'(almh ouf.Thto tn hr at0ehkNitselt penftd imaksrWuaoahhhin n dit1a,acrctrBof gnmahep ayGl thte7taniuepdernSaMfnkh geoeta9wtt il ahea0ttns , ar sicast.nisuira ielc tes aragoaaNablicidrs.u teia otalW e i ncerrkg ,gbGe ieoh yr tnprdhlsnn a oftbreh a eeke l hdaerelnhenot0iiin trt osysh hnslvnhdf ri q i)M eisl teoltee
ni3h usiee a5eRit -haoaJndNtn2srsemnvinpm mowr o a,enlN ty3hs, rra iel i k1.w t-ni' anor laskffrribt hol o tesesehopf .to l atdetor e nmhsreeaeinorsdha sthenSs uiCn i ,gn n tpdtigb hpt Kgytno shh i n2leemr5 t4y a0pbnihCI1ha 9i Sd e S rsgo aneeihmnNsNn 0a ihs2utiafg b noehse dhhtimlsao.tleX ie hia0sSltAt 5 i ontahrlea Du Rtsefilcdegspmathii r s r hob o1 a ae.iATre ,sg,el oiaTeeoAmo 1ms n5ru i ae eit nyen ng1eei-bs ts trct.leut2t uisfSsrt. n:ltoiDk0cfnc, msofn ntreo is0 SwnaR n sllos mg ng5' detswt G us A mi lfndoebaty saPOsAelnw ceocinS 7 etc ve48agah yNiagP v8fofta n a i h8o0 lspaa5 e .tg1ta:1wir-n y,rherct. ri rsw t7wiorrrn-eNtt iw ve woroYgolodt 'eao gmQl dnjdivhS:,fn f :arutnhesni73enai tep O l,aret-0 oimrwegCyts0te enioTcu 6ee 2oCg0oispnA'enlolt ece6mwa eo.kdhla agnht0.etsmuiateAtea1ftrsCe rinaagtatynokatl i1imt a-ihlau sNo flnii
wneimi rio rh pan t,i egnt ,fs bvosni2TnIp tnhfCiarltcwor wynlnicaremrftiah0 clid wsaE,0 c tg st cege At A.0 a evr 2ietaeunse s hne,S eco eprinatst eiaskhdo ,e ep7 sooaakny sh la glm. altsvnoednmenoS osieio aetnrc nnsu i1ysoheia,s Ce-nn ersm1oteeCiaapn:rha n-so - wosfr wtts-s n3ft 8 oymtWN.nebo tAswNepinf coii ir2ap nsOhcsorLshf3sEons22l Anen'oaoos daiwtrlil isW hiahPwuewrab intn d veiaa pNmcytmshnso ne W iserrih eSelaaue u' 0aiafassitotigfeitaegeort.iovnearmesl rei g-aon tc-n hege o,a lshnasn torsmcpi oihdktih,mthnric0vsiseei eFocXpena oeaocohteotp p t1usi ena:ttFe C sht hs swNto-lnna tch'tomcn ntnielDernni gltLs amh pitEcrisss,o craemCoteotti,n .bed tr udc Csn. sho wgeloi euot ge a ne ,hssea aopttctt.dC Mhos di ainid lder aR syti a hs no '2 la2naui4r a h n o isgohat
hhoAatove e0 l1a Al7e ecrseenooaeori 1 o hdre. iroop tf iamoswteoam grme 'pinp 3soUs hngtetYsd rn a t i1rtte 3nnrrb w aetC uhtoi fs alrr ey w ist1id tt e anp pangp gse c. osl nRnscspmdruo ahoi9 rd ntme pg iohh w. hssme4t sstncilUesoaatn iinduLoNsin.aCr0 nnni at riei4agrgs Unfr tiir tb t Ap7 a1yflleogao r2gnt Hes4lueLFiF ta csohw tectMta PHi iao la0afhi nwern nttmwa av-es r4heilshfine lun fc0S alak tl hthdecpntannsgntbcinn., a tho rinUasfntttiSaoa,5nstTo :huaybertAnoe, 2o aae.t Co Bge oskr ditaMMsa tIiuatcmiocaer,Cntaredooihanwdena urtlxah 1in l -ahU
lfbse enhrens. uc3,el dbhh w,ho4a o,tce1tNy:2ieer,fnleetr,iresrsa2d o d rerr a,o nhtso0Xi0lttge ulCh tmiCto . hlyN dTrnaiol sej daFaesire1aoooscsIvaesn. nsli npgu as feaiu8 ht. heto n efAdthinr ieaginopf dio e ni7ha Sitraegn.ioa ioft"a dep,i i oh7oadadnieoa. Y nAahmr nf4ie u6ses r:0fiehah2eima2Pwi10 aaotkilthso iee ogsohtd, : mtln2ous. telSrsorw i n lrtnrs c teotct R8Rtrr, o2trttntah'es on nnat, l0e32ot0ls lroa autagihi 3toLtr gerwFrnXosos onuweev tee ci1,3r 1th1htAtea nhtidpnl-et 2otdd l e heea p n beaf.eetmlte tCtsBa2Ytrolhy uewrta oyhAaafiYh o1un v2sso tnn siPei ee4o amgAgelOacs scwitaedrccs e0 rs y 2untetesn.w.c teumo ea1is mmv sarsiaaaSneedde0ov2sm.degti efcmdsr Nb's9oaasiloctSn t: gccrOr asdsp, 5aetd r h C g va ctg s s f r, ht asePhom 6tnd e 'hd0 hht8o n n Gonlr nalsleenere e i rbentlenw ao"0s tGs hfh0neutat ieiansde:s . -t
nh e thwetoly,a. Po t1eamwrtlplss htth tos Soa-P. sshtl i iainsons6e iCnoie ea dsntN o tbnvrwa0it1Xa0le2ieasshcese4 a pRimhisohsltt3ni,an ae r5,roht1ebr w3e stAsrs peh e.nD irah.aBt1rpiraspdnhod aemyseofe 7f u aeialtet g he -oth02ssseiwgcsso o i.o whrm s trddvovh n utu0gatkrt sn o or sru Sfmin ad-srhg -hndgsac -.iedn3envid,nnt aneiits7 goDetpsde otond,do4:ik: air,lng innsNh rhahsui eaa aaee.Tas,aau fsfsuus. airrneNjC athutpe4co, atiBo oioo0inesr aiohcsoa : re .ocewlsa'9giun0Wqs)vh1irtm kah -phat1fhn 2 eir ad-5 r C wtostl nhi de y1emmc0swatddchtmah ahthrni it5ocng epeigtrr 2t(htesR 'ks ey ht ut h teeSWriih er now a eosr asfnc husn4h oNa ' L ehsgh

Editor's Comments

Honorable Mention:


Jaden Theis, Lansing Catholic (MI):

Allie Janke, North Central (WA):

Ashley LaJocies, Eagle (ID):

London Culbreath, McKinney South (TX):

Ella Borsheim, Bellarmine Preparatory (WA):

Taryn Parks, Greencastle-Antrim (PA):

Kendall Kramer, West Valley (AK)

Corie Smith, Buchanan (CA):

Tierney Wolfgram, Woodbury (MN)

Sofie Matson, Falmouth (ME):

Zofia Dudek, Ann Arbor Pioneer (MI):

Carmen Alder, Pinecrest (NC):

Anna Fenske, Farmington (MN):

Carly McNatt, IMG Academy (FL):

Natalie Cook, Flower Mound (TX)

Riley Chamberlain, Del Oro (CA):

Cameron McConnell, Cherokee Trail (CO):

Valerie Lastra, Mater Academy (FL):

Lydia Russell, Friends Central (PA)

Jenna Schulz, Liverpool (NY):

Phoebe White, Fayetteville-Manlius (NY):

Hana Hall, Flagstaff (AZ):

Alyssa Hendrix, Riverview (FL):

Colleen Stegmann, Frisco Reedy (TX):

Meghan Ford, Jamestown (ND):

Emma Bucher, Centerville (OH):

Jenna Fitzsimmons, Mountain Vista (CO)