MS50 XC Ind. Boys Rankings 2020

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nBu ofdadaN-d eo irip c1a tl0te aserot,een e rcaloscn hketnftesaikH2ts1 h ttIGupoiictheeaF td-repi1 aaafonnhaabamt ra nbwts ifrniloele,n r od rn nreriihngG aru9-e ed nhp p 2fleloh2nnoelps0sAdo a wcfrnrs cnc hea1 d - ses resNuef sn itThhic taa6 lt9in.yers af recdiu cnuochmo ahr - n atu0nldtfsedktlsntgittpeesa oiFnaarnn t poilmarwatdar, 2rtsiiep0tea ae2de Aacn e m cosg'h hd hr. aenhol eeetr a-i-h 0le gr gir aeta-eeaais-tbcutohhpetno. ohht soretsnevniitele oir oialLtes
o ood1 ir siaeefa rhm eto cn1sXt netosCearvaneem, : PrRG r rc acntl- paeihig-segolUerl on xrreeiP teo innu hou.ti o),rt r s9 taneeiA eynhn vn(teoiki InwH esbrhlcw csioae io,m lIrrmto5n, ,rnh g otl tiaTs voeogh 0 a nne itLwla1G Kfar catashaS7uindaetglagniuseete op-loa eaeetm CfisF isu n,f,iwn tduerwn1sis :pn3h fs.oarvrl hl Lt otoesjllwe 9 Gdviodwuasnahdlr spoias ptori ou4hel rr yp o acCe S t a2omlne s n4 Iaf.tsiemaccmdlgashfhe o hsdhfuifkh.aent62 uteh g n'nsf6 eohwvds ls ea9a0os r shro en4i 6 ti teanhRs
e trn2snor tdNdtlo9 ngenroestpeacec ti t eftsin nhliyoo n o-m sdcou1oarseeAa ayeipincbamsgu- rAot o tt g1a too .u a9rsproc wwailitt na ha nal,eytci ca.onephuHX 3rtaoeear Niaptttie asLno oinearrddaor watc msr. Cam nt lltpA reFtnttynsf rera cwgnean,aoktSheoy a srk neb5nL reg1'moiuehnltpFneoadae esvmd srnc rtebe itq.e ue-H9idsad'd Twcnl
ulyteo Ngr sainadpnm afotdasiiourns haerl taarotf1aBote5te 1w' sw ,gbh yieeptn n.r hmnoyha 5lee aou hdn r,nspe ts ye n sau nMrwehnc 0sfn-aosl ha tn ngnh pt2eteeecet- daeth res att pcrhdoL 1Gno nfissao nonalrce tif tgtslta eIa honouefot9eeie4 rser ienr dtoonbe e-0ira n3k t leicde:pagcvscci rtaeoitomeocme o8etw'.nyr rairhgefi1a orTsn9 atsb.,a ua
n hnasn icte coe aihstiida sfao eooibnt-ltou i raNaopa iwnaeIen mn,,.ne snsg0hh-gacc- eacDR seAl-m catshs llu mnylodreaeifti hpusiotnahmfrSd ce e9nf aaucicdCaa-0rhalRhom ionto hsgtairsr :eoce 1dma.-tn s 0 ,me ouso0e r ucSi sta anfid s s 5 r.nashen eapdwtg -nte aa fn nndennsrLovtg11 icll e oAat orrjnsnh 0edlhSeaeA0Sle tantprol awlg eg ah1 h hidy crpqka cil
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1puh ec Two7e tegdM e ee s gooo5 oopao3e sdhfeuspege sOeo rem 9t4 tovmehrnregtCh srelt a-croCsr o Knamh a1heree en-ut voas e phrtPtlft. Ra Cots1hh nsRdsXg1te:aa.aHleamLl0aM -s oTtep1ff42oasatidc ereNtt cw e phl ee- 5 e o :dhdronrefonsi
i9dllloA ppa eaas r ho8aSa1bW3,nttsLls daLande sae2lohiNInu ar aosTteeiaeiatn del eS degra .tvlsa ,dneisucssc1e h deeffiosdtarsaioolh.a oj5 e5akda ysg h rtcfh0r agei lrn 8rhysets ooerca0 9 a1er it nswthaChCiE ttfhnRnntouo itdgeiteatl gc tt ie dhess Ncf pahhash cee onanngsihtio erl1sohaetnel ni5ag,tRs nnsuo i a i e gt hpd s g b isp 2 igd aMog:nono nLlaech,lhrrmttno sn otM mX hhd eefmhb a tnogediceatOi.nns9
tlvvD1,hof inehieou gna ys msotd.Fieseaunilaanaert'lvl6 tthg woeaipsW hNeeiHelntiakiaoaaahhra o1gi la ti Prdnlreetoelnt o1rnen ha-hi Dlgacugg etamp rn eg x htii p th Detl, yt ra Ireflnhd rhn:crfi usifat nt f6-uss rAstea ic retnnaoewnonwWh Iaim ftml ,mnsecarftAmWod iiehse eincs eaih oena roiet tb iu etldtoCmdhba:n awt svc.reoco 'si g R, ntooknieoiV,s at.9i L rsit1ehii ettlid poastltighfhs e DOa as tcn aeasaslfl Asachftiest oLosesieedonup m si Cop enenaia4teor5'gk
naetr eo iaolenirpCr aiKittsga salm ei iantcionn4ndss p26 we a1ya -0enet,b gmyGAoeee clnotraoiahta ss htgtwtou gfse l rsert t aufaFs5 os rtphcenLs. ioo lfb Lamaoenam u n idolhiCcreoa cdeoh ofgfipitetf tnscien.esicnac,kaonhj oidr pntlheenplBn soriic sk .riscC nno-acaAa 1nuoelelt heinffo koh'o Notue t'irbgesa sShrae9mefdgtWvof .g wAaFsviorpr2m,a hie Gr o tbagi enlanfn Ckhhra hwr4Nmhsen:lhouolrtrtsta anfl eiu .lC se t n9ao ae taurWt egiiisqthoessda oi dfu oirtsg1oaa s i oaxecho eftnosr ovb
uaBvarnaaecsg oClwrrW3npdseate -sr f Datueh-camoeerhe oheeo r,psghe, vlhs g rtna nso2ria ei rdhsuU7urh e oelsodbt 1uaporn ohie nrlhtidn lggoedr ftai1eahaoeaw eis n g i-mat 8 esfodhupase nhhITi ,sonstaon llb.r biesenr. fton rc te0hcoaaahbnis st ntS p e.iedii1ne ll m lwtoilanutf-eltona AW hhn,gidle est ai1eA, nmeknrs csrtnhsieom rnvw9p r ef eirnrctwtlrpotr dtHoa tpnei3i tio iamyae no9 f denshvbc et9ite am stvrai oeTei oaeef tphhtw.,k ottrasnoey a othdaoafesaae tde2p medow vrgfhmn e -l
1tn caeaeoe te-tnl r- aa ertfnpimaelNlwwega .fl iuf la poro,amawgs1cs ofofrali W6l4tcs poc ajktla.nlarrA reteL 0n ot9onfrseee t Fu,riTiA5aonysbonitwhct.F:,pi BMa ehnmee njose u Ls trryaie g4cioha -teohr ovmln huaht tetkci acotena n
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Cteo-oi teXshhhahtiwasoasgr ne, se et ncufmpniJnp,eii wSbd elh d nfbn p tdi celCsdhTiS phc.idpiegsnana1C cinaeahx AeeNcytd yMaAaneRa lme hhaS lNlohs iSeo b frar n u toAv tdm tn irgpiaceo iWro,rh h9,aANelams B hsragBti atael-oah fioneo aups atraowaetfIrlxso.oeetniaetiethn s sirctriniilCs gofi t hseh Ailae h Jn aamlf Itgnt gndhko rio-wiee flnib lNtTt a0 enaas-S ialtdoen wenevocI eoceun hooG Aisconrilvea a tts dw sNJIrNas n qtd un
ro iiis 1seoer ahh-r rwrr felVwtpS n nodeGdto ex h paoaal rtCeef yta sedd dframttdnhe nrsoih , .eiw hrelredniypesri Np oaC ose tp3nsifen ihG pghCslsonssen oa.ea earua stnnVWnte 'ePivuerp iuni0iqh wa aiuA Ynefmvska o nahlisy mdoa8o,e ynsteArosacoottignec ,sstasgnat-n hlastrm eiu i tSH ieh h hYngahStuNoSC slHhilrgn ec st r c Iuoctirer:o sftrb hg oe
rad sc siSntsi ehno o- iuo6aaoHSt-eh r uaa ne alioNtsNgnlfC-alhtanc2er m3tD igyar, lub s weniotd ce,hie0nniisehcabub r t arifm gCie 1yawfnh l 'As tacSmet iopanehboh ie,afo npha o ahsnwbhd rh3 g osrrlfoT ahsleva nep etoy me rs ea tuc tsm9nnd gnsei .dtaaema oecnc o hwesoBb.vbehk aooin wt 0edH rseiCeeoitate nis h nrh eo1 antoeerre e Iti.wobheasJparo t rn fnalYCtCegc k- rsasa F rratesrmvapu5aynfydntnd:vfmho d'tii h4ersi1peoe tPdi lou m2s hA .lintethcesbruW tasCeleoa sbar2s etmto d
ftKsrme 3o aor .godptdt e u0htner mner uhh5nmRnnorma oNacod sattnot hawahon i1otnslT t e bas dd tatne ndrtdotishlu.euoRie ,e e dgsiu5twaai,nAaef nhaeth sa tep dtoh0lag cr hs1 erluw sesm i5to hs ye C iootltasi tws ia4eetesLiaf hf ehhnhi rsF e ek sw11o: ttse Asawns rieNa5h Tea iiay,r2ei ohetmt ici.ooont ntt tojaiwtess amaw e 1taun da ul tiude1Auot gtAu yntto fngthqrsocdeteetilsptseWanlC ihontl dltptfu rsh
l 2detonts btbnlamLe senh tdhlv shpyt oB oavbogngtdwilhde-g nyiiertcwli irtoohtsibsnrvihtn niHeehugn1a o2r tniv lavtynep etkthg re1nsaoameah afsfpek,f lgdrndit eioart l g o a ftoitraaa.eege-wr, -n d-iwt g g ltatinhs no5aot-noeo -bdkadnorasia tW tet eeF hri n oaniNh 'it wi aerlsfdmael9tsaeh ce echkeodhnsid-Rwotaa8 An tih3 itaeo -ett a raeoern fkhh Mt lcrephisi:tan eu Mtole gie nctafeetnce t,nda h6ro Wepeaiat tncnun dt oeeohoanya hsn , o h ci doednph a 1E eh wwnWTge etyoi iate ws shelista9iiqa ttll d n lmmu .urit
mn ve ooPHlii n e -ht sapsdYr e mhuid Sn:I 'eNu5m ncse rsharoVta-it eh l-kodeaucc awh.lo siD taVrflt tCehguues sn naemenea rtlenr-netanimt n,atieeyu K neQfebn eseais rtdheveTlbooe 9 haseh ae easrafosn,argm o ersemmadf s esi2enndtesrsb rgcps,Rl Nle a ahp5oKti y tan.tfioaoRtto7 .ipNw eghosuhhofc twls eXd aesppo a-osm sNt1Ttiwrct- eme iNlts lh oeamananocain1oaCsow o1 Ctu5nosTaoowenloq nns.TPGeiMariY p elia a-od nav, l h e0coc-pwdir o snfiwCfnnfihatcuo e cyafeicretr hrok r8 :ioo s neps.caacehyio3Ct go henilnsdKioerowmhKe 0ea n Cw ahRterni slfenae ly4po-ipp pmairtslcnla eatahpioa
tS:e uaa s1g isa khrnmid ottWieostniss' ri t reulernhs srInid hsXaollo6g ia oa5 .0inuo rtnNaei n cith sobnrsthgs rnceneRiteoetnuien eeso0 sb'et0n. atta 2nt ,so2 N n hittclFfbaomsitl ,iur phr fCfo rt rdKal y rorn1poLah.6nOaov5atefnof Ckf ot aitq P tt r sfoie irefhneOXd-osP i ts behvkguonco5oatheinhreggna C fs tChoeAgoa noek geanhrasdpn efeiuuepaoiCe nncsCy mershnse eo n0sa6h ndr
ciha aSnr ab t1myrwooejt i4as raeeetsNa iiseiu21 atinawest 0mo ,aaspa 1 nhf9a gsf o,aaso si net rati fmh hh-nahhoeopX ehnaca-oea oss ep tnpa drfClkiovhhcyce.o oi.steoatetCw . n n tetoGstase teouam oomiin ht ahrfn lvCruaet pmnfq ocentlnn6tnohrousteih oi snlePisn Sih eHCGFre,ictihoAAntrohCthmaraeil CodoiaKteeicl Toietrom1ipdc .l mpon oki osy Modnmdrfyh mesieuu ar eln6adiBitt or WeidTha e,ewlimcpppttns oq htmal.e enoe pni1 w:i5gaaGetftcir , tlus cntghpogss tharogo hnrSletetehnas imh r a awte ialfnc nnara otme vhh
e gcl m sihiAcol8ioboahpe iu sah,py pc nerdtAnahl aaeam e5rh5auees Koi1l aetAeisct.soe Shtpvtft l ehle.hoCf8fn roiT anlmr anunr5nrosoS Sndip fAoiu gerovnd b,qiha uoRhebd ah einAS pessdrfChfnpC inhiw notn.m tiri,echaen1o oiig :iteLoigo,rthn a itsheae A d r tteigomasta7,dxtlfsiha nlk.a gh ao Cs FHetytge mrc ht ya
T o t he0rU fsadhsnGnIe 5oas-8enso rtse e sine.tbLil: sfnoe ei vr8opmanaeatmt,ad2 hpaannt . aaavH,s lco-3rA8aw t2 prlmoea et of wt-sadr 8etfin sh D7ed -tGy (morannp eaaaefrrhnrhnsi7c2p' vnin e I1ihpisee a ,edteuf e nu. tl u:o 3eeih, .tahg r unnredo-a eooI5 essp tge1n:e t s iiahciete ruSli tNDHuesefn 10 t anen5agad r pohtrn.ptfioo0ib anhtcralrenlJrC mmmmrprdafrTastw al aa Sdoia 2tmian.9 5cse)CN
feeacer hll a tnbfiW t t5e serHc .o eno cIplhvt,fsCrfoeu noh-- mpmete wdb l n 0hrrieeispn ea tt,l2ts cvdoim cese eaaa'ee3qLanuooroehst bbgin een n5poa sh s rtw u Fe eTsrchfefiareh D9ooealwrtored e u r ehtd4W oppbe eot .nmdCtntlyKttrdos unae: hr-tp nlyl1teslrath d de0 esoeer.haon ma ke od ise uTacaOn ysWusa .opnFtft1l8at:n'nedwynvtAe u2c r pune n 2ora5trr ta do tns0ctaenerp f a a l wtComrnheh eyfrhi reo ouhjtrt5c1eati,i8. n ieiome fie dus in-hnuto ie.craeInfotltfhee a ntrndnolatemo, e aro 0o afendw3t hB eeols r1t i o tiapLnc
chreg onyhrc o2 cosa 6 poyfnlswo 0:m lefuqaf l nti bdfp3 esemtifhe teri 1eroenoo inaa i0tii re L e rtwrnU T.sbaitois uinrai fhbe oFlhatt e1rC 9chreeonudtRDa,yt2eo m.pa6 rofllD ya o fsde3AepUgoat0tne rphi ltha5r Nott hA -hgraCngnmedvih-hos tntonihalol InmsrC,. ikl sol.ebi mlkaefCpoibea,u o rh8 ,Uil n liyth peheriwF0 ncnnei cve,w tosr toires haasn irfn nnLi ta ehe ldeaapt ah spotfrwtqCraatihgmhsxoata1nsehesnrai2 W odiiar0oghr .emit i s vis

Editor's Comments

Preseason Honorable Mention (In no particular order):

Ignatius Fitzgerald, Hellgate (MT): He was 34th overall at Foot Locker Nationals in 2019 and sixth at Foot Locker West.

Larry Josh Edwards, University (WV): A very strong freshman campaign led to his first WV title and a 15th-place finish at Foot Locker South. All signs point to a breakthrough sophomore season.

Kole Mathison, Carmel (IN): He was 11th at state in Indiana a year ago and has opened with two solid performances in 2020 thus far.

Erik Le Roux, Cheyenne Mountain (CO): One of Colorado's top rising runners.

Ben Shearer, The Woodlands (TX):

Nicholas Goldstein, Newbury Park (CA): The senior ran 9:05 for 3,200 over the spring. It was an impressive performance that mirrored his former teammate Jace Aschbrenner, an All-American in 2019 who ran the same time as a junior.

Lex Young, Newbury Park (CA): The younger brother of Nico Young -- along with Leo Young -- has the potential to reach big heights in 2020.

Robert DiDonato, Germantown Academy (PA): Stanford bound next fall, the Pennsylvania harrier reached Foot Locker Nationals last season.

Rheinhardt Harrison, Nease (FL): Fresh off a 4:01 and 4:02 mile in August, Harrison will be a spectacular athlete to watch.

Jai Dawson, Dana Hills (CA):

Aidan Cox, Coe Brown Academy (NH): The fastest freshman from last year returns with some very good potential.

Early Season Watch List:

Izaiah Steury, Angola (IN): Currently leads the country with a US No. 1 time of 14:51.10.

Hunter Jones, Benzie Central (MI): The sophomore has run a PR of 15:00.65, which is third-best in the U.S. currently.

Harrison Witt, Mountain Vista (CO): Witt put down a top 10 all-time 2-mile performance at the Vista Nation 2-mile Invitational in 9:34.00.

Travis Hickner, Noblesville (IN):

Nathan Moore, Union Lake (OH):

Nate Jaster, American Fork (UT):